Saturday, March 10, 2007

Links of Note

1. No doubt bent on forcing their fondue-swilling ways, Switzerland invaded Lichtenstein on March 1. Class acts to the end, the Lichtensteiners shrugged it off. Of course, they have no army, so what else would they do?

2. The United States Mint accidentally introduced some $1 coins into circulation that didn’t have the phrase “In God We Trust.” Since taking God out of schools is clearly the sole reason America's educational system is so crummy, what do you think this will do to the value of the dollar? If you want to beat the rush and unload your greenbacks, you can trade them for Euros, but only for the 2€ coin.

3. Have you bought anything from Bono’s Red campaign? Then brace yourself. According to Advertising Age, the ratio of dollars spent on advertising for the campaign to the dollars spent on actually helping Africans is possibly as bad as 100:18. Ouch! Red refutes the claim by citing this article. Bono's been taking some undeserved heat for this, it seems. I think he's genuinely trying to find innovative ways to help

4. From the People’s Republic of Seattle comes this story about teaching children values of democracy and justice (read: socialist indoctrination) by taking away their Legos. The kids had built a huge Legotown, which embodied (and I quote) “assumptions of a class-based, capitalist society—a society that we teachers find unjust and oppressive.” I find it rather chilling, although the original source, which can be found here, claims that it occurred in an after-school program, rather than a public school classroom.

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