Thursday, May 24, 2007

The Best Sentence I've Read this Morning

From Peter Travers' review of Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End:

"Pirates 3 raises everything from the dead, except inspiration."

Here's the runner-up:

the story plods along like a PBS special on the founding pirate fathers."

We ended up loving the first Pirates, which was such a surprise, since we assumed it would be terrible. I remember laughing at the very idea of it when we saw previews. But Travers' review convinced us to go see it. Based on what he says about Pirates 3, it looks like that franchise is pulling a Wachowski.
I can't wait to read Pajiba's take.


Watoosa said...

Nice. My favorite bit from Travers' review is when he talks about he doesn't care about certain plot points because "being buried in an avalanche of cliches and incoherence will do that to a guy."

Anonymous said...

So, did he like the third film or not?


hayumbone said...

Was Travers the one who wrote the review that said "this is the best movie ever released that's based on a Disney ride?" (or something along those lines). It was in the NYT, and R. and I laughed ourselves silly.

We haven't even seen the second one yet. Apparently there's not enough Johnny Depp in this last one. And any Kiera Knightley is too much KK, IMO.