Monday, September 24, 2007

America...FRACK YEAH!

Watoosa and I got a double-barreled blast of America yesterday, as we ventured to the storied Cumberland County Fair. It's a real "County Fair" type county fair, which means its heavy on the 4-H displays, cooking and baking contests, and lots and lots of animals. We saw cows, pigs, chickens (several kinds of fowl, actually), oxen, sheep, goats, bunnies, and giant draft horses. There was also no shortage of deep fried cuisine, which we passed up, but we did get to try some authentic maple syrup that was so good I had to fight the urge to pour myself a glass and drink it down like lemonade.

One of the marquee events of the day was bull riding, which I'd never witnessed before. It took the America to a whole nuther level. For one thing, there were 16 cowboys, or so, and it don't get more America than cowboys. Of course, half of them were Mexican, but whatever. Then, a color guard of National Guardsmen brought in the Stars and Stripes, along with the rodeo flag and the flag for the State of Maine. At that point, the announcer exhorted us to "make some love to Old Glory." I would have thought that would actually be disrespectful, but what do I know?

There was also an opening prayer, which I suspect was pre-composed by the touring company's announcer (although I hope to Zod that the "make love to Old Glory" line was just his extemporaneous riffing on a theme). It was appropriately non-sectarian and not too theologically determinate, but the warm-up music pumped through the PA system had just finished up with a song that rivaled AC/DC in lyrical debauchery. The chorus was something like "where the girls are easy and the drugs are cheap." The perfect call to worship.

Here are a few pics:


Phil K. said...

Were there any songs sung a la "Freedom isn't Free...Freedom costs a buck 'o fiiiiiiiive?"

Watoosa said...

Charlie's America Song

I'm gonna rise up/ I'm gonna kick a little a**/ I'm gonna kick some a** in the U.S.A./ I'm gonna climb a mountain/ I'm gonna sew a flag/ I'm gonna fly on an eagle/ I'm gonna kick some butt/ I'm gonna drive big trucks/ I'm gonna rule this world/ I'm gonna kick some a**/ I'm gonna rise up/ Gonna kick a little a**/ Rock on flyin' eagle!

Karen and Sean said...

Boy, I wish the Redneck Mothers had made an appearance, or Eighteen Wheels of Justice, but I hear they are booked for the Great State Fair of Texas, which begins tonight. However, I refer to it (minus profanity) as The Great Traffic Snarl for KK's Commute.