Saturday, December 15, 2007

Another Perspective on Philosophy

Not quite as hilarious as the letter I reproduced earlier, but still amusing:

"Philosophy is said to console a man under disappointment, although Shakespeare asserts that it is no remedy for toothache; so Mr Easy turned philosopher, the very best profession a man can take up, when he is fit for nothing else; he must be a very incapable person indeed who cannot talk nonsense."

That's from the first paragraph of Frederick Marryat's Mr. Midshipman Easy, which was included in 101 Crackerjack Sea Books. Watoosa has given it to me for Christmas (yes, we've now exchanged gifts).

The paragraph continues:

"For some time, Mr Easy could not decide upon what description his nonsense should consist of; at last he fixed upon the rights of man, equality, and all that; how every person was born to inherit his share of the earth, a right at present only admitted to a certain length; that is, about six feet, for we all inherit our graves and are allowed to take possession without dispute. But no one would listen to Mr Easy's philosophy. The women would not acknowledge the rights of men, whom they declared always to be in the wrong; and, as the gentlemen who visited Mr Easy were all men of property, they could not perceive the advantages of sharing with those who had none. However, they allowed him to discuss the question, while they discussed his port wine. The wine was good, if the arguments were not, and we must take things as we find them in this world."

I love it! I'm struck by how Wodehousian it feels, which is an accomplishment in itself, especially since the book was published in 1836. And doesn't he also come off as ahead-of-his-time in his toying with the ambiguity of the word "man?"

I've only read the first page, but I suspect this will be a fantastic read.

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