Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Somehow, when I posted an update on the work at the new house, it got posted on Watoosa's blog. So here's what I wrote:

"Our House is a Sorta, Sorta, Sorta Fine House"

For now at least. We made a pretty good mess of the interior by stripping off wallpaper, scraping old paint, sanding, sanding, sweeping, and more sanding. Yes, I'm tired of sanding.

But the end is in sight--yesterday we actually began putting up primer on walls in two of the rooms. It's a relief, since we've been doing prep work since we closed. I've never seen so much dust apart from the time that our house in Santa Barbara was beset by fallout from a huge forest fire.

We also incurred our first damage to the house. While trying to drive a nail, I split a stair step. But my friend Jason managed to fix it, and now it's even stronger than all the others. He and his wife Amber helped us prep and prime this weekend (extra large size thanks to you guys for that).

Today my mother and sister arrive, God and the airlines willing. Hopefully we can get all the painting done this week. Moving day is Saturday.

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