Tuesday, August 21, 2007

What Dreams Did Come

Last night, I had a dream that Watoosa and I got married, or got married again. It was very much like our real wedding--we looked the same, all our friends and family were there, the church looked a lot like the one we used. Watoosa's dress was the exact same one she wore seven years ago, too. And like our real wedding, we hadn't seen each other that morning until the actual ceremony.

The only major difference was that I was wearing her dress, and she wore a tux (thankfully, without those goofy vests that the formal wear shop foisted on me and my groomsmen). I'm not sure why. The intention was that Watoosa would wear the dress after the wedding day, and so I remember asking her, "Do you think this will fit you after today?" I don't remember what she said. But I do remember that I absolutely rocked that bridal gown!

So, armchair psychotherapists...what is my subconscious trying to tell me?


Unknown said...

I'll avoid the obvious potshots and suggest that perhaps this is your subconscious trying to tell you to 'feminize' a bit to increase the chance that Watoosa will see you as a viable long-term partner.

According to new research, "Women prefer great degrees of masculinity for short-term partners, but for long-term relationships what we are finding is that they prefer more feminine and definitely more healthy men."

See the Guardian's story here: http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2007/aug/08/genderissues?gusrc=rss&feed=science

Anonymous said...

you're a sissy?

Ickenham said...

No, that's what my conscious mind is telling me.