Thursday, February 14, 2008

Goin' Back to Cali

Stylin' and Profilin'.

I leave in a couple hours for Southern California, where I'll spend a little time in the L.A. area and attend a conference in beautiful Santa Barbara. This conference is held each February partly in order to catch the best weather of the year. While I have loved the Maine winter, yesterday was such a mess that I started thinking that the lyrics of "California Dreamin'" were gospel truth: "All the leaves are brown, and the sky is gray....I'd be safe and warm, if I was in L.A."

On Tuesday night/Wednesday morning, we got seven inches of snow. During the day on Wednesday, snow gave way to lots of rain, which in turn changed the fallen snow to seven inches of slush, and formed giant pools of standing water that couldn't find its way to street drains. I got completely soaked through while trying to liberate our cars, as passing traffic splashed gallons of road water and sludge on me. Then I turned my attention to our walk, where I was literally shoveling liquid water.

So I should get a break from all that the next few days. Alas, Watoosa must stay behind.

But as for the rest of my long, suckers!

UPDATE: Title explanation, for those who have insufficient appreciation of 80s rap, here.

UPDATE 2: Yes, I will be both stylin' and profilin'.


Phil K. said...

You might run this through your Editor or something.

"...where I was literally shoveling liquid water."

As opposed to shoveling gaseous or solid water?

Phil K. said...

P.S. - I know what you were saying I just wanted to be an early-morning-A-hole. And, I'm jealous of the trip to CA.

Watoosa said...

The liquid water comment also struck me as repetitive.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, 'cause when I think of you in the 1980s, I think of you listening to rap. With your hairband hair. :) Uh huh. Mommy said knock you out....

Karen and Sean said...

I particularly liked your rendition of Cameo's Word Up. And I hope you didn't sprain anything shovelling all that liquid water. I'm off to take a solid water shower....

Karen and Sean said...

Also, I am of the opinion that the vocal stylings of California Dreamin' is about that of tone-challenged, honking 8 year olds in Baptist church childrens choirs belting out badly written musicals.

Ickenham said...

OK, people. Ice is water. But ice is not liquid. Therefore "liquid water" is not redundant.

Same deal with steam. Did y'all skip third grade science?

Karen and Sean said...

Come on, you gotta admit, "liquid water" is something much more like what I would say than you, Bubba.

Ickenham said...

Also, I am of the opinion that the vocal stylings of California Dreamin' is about that of tone-challenged, honking 8 year olds in Baptist church childrens choirs belting out badly written musicals.

I wouldn't put it quite so severely, but I don't want to defend the musical value of the song, since I don't actually like it. But having lived in CA, it does make me involuntarily wistful.
Haven't found any good songs about Maine, yet.