Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Those of you who know my better half, Watoosa, may be interested to know that she has now sipped from the goblet of blog Kool-Aid. She calls her joint The Conscience Pudding, a name she has shamelessly swiped from the work of the fantastic Edward Gorey (a favorite around our house). You can find it listed in the margin of this page, or just click here.

The picture above is one of her stylin' at the ruins of Knapps' Castle, a few miles outside of town.
In the interest of equality, here's one of me at that same site, climbing a chimney that looks like a giant pair of pants.


Anonymous said...

When I was a kid (so, like, 3 years ago) we'd play a game where if someone made the ok sign with his hand (thumb and index finger touching, the other three fingers standing up) and you looked at it, he'd be allowed to punch you. So, what we'd do is nonchalantly put our hand like that on our desks and wait for a friend to look. Or, we'd offer a friend a pencil with our hands in the ok position. The point was to do it when nobody expected it.

And that's what Watoosa is doing in this picture, the little devil! Of all the sneaky ways to get someone with that, posting a picture on a blog has got to be the sneakiest. She's gonna owe punches to all of us!

Watch out, CAC!

Watoosa said...

The Conscience Pudding is from Nesbit, not Gorey!!! And you call yourself a literate, sentient being! Sad, sad.

Watoosa said...

P.S. GOOD one about the giant pair of pants!!

Ickenham said...

Crap! You're right about the title. And that's our favorite part of the Bastables saga.

I'm ashamed.