Thursday, March 20, 2008

All Systems are Go

This week we got our "Clear to Close" from the bank who will be handling our mortgage. That means we're one step closer to closing the deal on our house, and that Icktoosa headquarters will soon be relocating to Westbrook.

Next month, then, looks to be pretty crazy for me. Here's what will be going down:
-Close on the house
-Remove wallpaper in three rooms
-Paint four rooms
-Rip up some carpet, replace it on the stairs
-Grade papers in all three of my classes, plus tests in two of them
-Teach three sessions of an additional class
-Help lead a workshop on ethics and torture

My work is cut out for me, but I'm looking forward to most of it.


The Keffer's said...

So is the workshop "how to torture ethically" or "is torture ethical?"..............

Ickenham said...

It depends on my mood.