Saturday, March 8, 2008

It's Genderrific!

Uncertain about your real gender? Of course you are. Now there's hope! Just enter some text into the box at this website, and it'll tell you whether (and even to what extent) you're male or female.

I just tried it. After entering some text from a recent post, the result was "Weak male." That's obviously incorrect, so I figured another test was in order. The second result was "110% red-blooded American male." A third yielded "So freakin' male, you make John Wayne look like a sissy." After the fourth try, it told me "Stop it already--we can't handle your awesome maleness and it's causing our supercomputers to blow up." That's more like it.

Watoosa's writing, on the other hand, yielded "Weak male," so it looks like we have some...."issues" to work through, although the site warns that this result could simply mean that she's European.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've tried multiple submissions and it comes up male for me every time in both formal and informal categories. I'm so confused.

My personality color block quiz thingie also said I was more male than female, so obviously all this tea drinking and Jane Austen reading and being pregnant is just making me more butch.